The sorry story of the uttappam

The uttappam was feeling threatened by globalization — who am I? why does the pizza look like me? what should I do? C Y Gopinath counsels It was a humid day, the sort that dampens all urges towards food.I was sitting in my clinic, toying desultorily with some listless...

A chip of the old Nayak

In a clear case of judicio-culinary activism, C Y Gopinath is put on trial for declaring Rama Nayak’s wafers to be the best in the universe as we know it. Yes, M’lud, I am reasonably certain that it was not an Indoor Locker. Or Indoor Laukar, as they tell me its...

The loafers of Cowasji Patel Street

“Tamé soo joyé ché?” screamed Parvez Irani in a voice that might make yeast rise. His target was an over-excited, bald Gujarati customer, half-risen in his seat, and debating whether or not to hit Ramuda the waiter. Who had apparently got the order wrong. “I asked...

An evening with Grover & Son

EVEN AS I REACHED for the cheese I knew it was a mistake. Grover and Son had kept their hands off it, must be some good oenological reason for it. Kapil Grover had helped himself to a butter biscuit, though; perhaps that was allowed with white wine. Clairette, it said...