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My son would like to be a capo di tutti cappi when he grows up. He believes this is a matter of getting the accent right. His first words, learned from a Hugo’s guide, are: Davanti mia casa, ce uno piccolo giardino, dove coltiviamo ogni sorta di ortaggi —...

How to cook a Musa Pseudostem

C Y Gopinath discovers how to cook the delicious dish that killed the tender coconut tree but completely re-colonized his gut. Take a medium-sized banana. Chop the pseudostem finely and boil till tender. Spice it and eat while costive. There, that’s how you do it....

Read and see

For decades, this classic set of three books has been the last word on authentic South Indian cooking, says C Y Gopinath May I offer you some light tiffin? No? A cool drink then? What about a curd bath? It’s guaranteed to cool you off. According to the...

Lessons from lasoon

It might keep teenage vampires away but when you use it well in the kitchen, the unassuming garlic can unite the most diverse people  SMITH AND JONES GRIND GARLIC AT NASHIK. In case you think this is one of those phrases administered to suspected drunks to check their...

Muri Blues

There is a connection between young love and Calcutta’s jhalmuri   FROM THE DARKNESS OF KOLKATA’S LAKE GARDENS come the sounds of lovers holding hands. Bet you’ve never heard the sound of lovers holding hands before, but I have. It’s not the usual slurps and...

The sorry story of the uttappam

The uttappam was feeling threatened by globalization — who am I? why does the pizza look like me? what should I do? C Y Gopinath counsels It was a humid day, the sort that dampens all urges towards food.I was sitting in my clinic, toying desultorily with some listless...